CCRI Welcomes Recent Calls for Federal Legislation against Image-Based Sexual Abuse
For Immediate Release Contact:Mary Anne Franks, JD, DPhilPresident, Cyber Civil Rights Initiative Please also see the CCRI Media Guide CCRI Welcomes Recent Calls for Federal Legislation against Image-Based Sexual Abuse…
Staying Safe Online: How to Minimize Your Risk of Image-Based Sexual Abuse
As a community, we strive to adopt terms that clearly, consistently, and respectfully describe the evolving landscape of technology-facilitated sexual abuse. Wherever possible, we try to avoid using terminology created by perpetrators of abuse and instead seek to use terms that accurately convey the nature and the harm of the abuse.
Guiding the Narrative: Words Matter
As a community, we strive to adopt terms that clearly, consistently, and respectfully describe the evolving landscape of technology-facilitated sexual abuse. Wherever possible, we try to avoid using terminology created by perpetrators of abuse and instead seek to use terms that accurately convey the nature and the harm of the abuse.
CCRI Welcomes Passage of SHIELD Act as Amendment to Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2021
The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative welcomes the passage of the SHIELD Act as an amendment to the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2021, providing urgently needed protection against an…
CCRI Extends Gratitude to Without My Consent
As you may have heard, our longtime friends and partners at Without My Consent (WMC) will formally cease operations at the end of this year. The WMC team comprises some…
CCRI Ambassador Amber Heard Supports Federal Bill Against Nonconsensual Porn
Only a federal law can help stop “revenge porn.” (This piece is cross-posted from The New York Times). Are We All Celebrities Now? By Amber Heard Ms. Heard is an…
CCRI President Pens Washington Post Op-Ed on Katie Hill
The Photos of Katie Hill Had Nothing to Do with Her Conduct (This piece is cross-posted from The Washington Post.) Oct. 30, 2019 By Mary Anne Franks Mary Anne Franks is…
CCRI Applauds Illinois Supreme Court Decision Upholding “Revenge Porn” Law Against First Amendment Challenge
For immediate release: CCRI Applauds Illinois Supreme Court Decision Upholding “Revenge Porn” Law Against First Amendment Challenge. In December 2014, Illinois passed the strongest criminal law against nonconsensual pornography in…
CCRI Vice President Danielle Citron Named 2019 MacArthur Fellow. Heartfelt Congratulations!
CCRI Vice President Danielle Citron Named 2019 MacArthur Fellow.
Congratulations to our Founder: A 2018 L’Oréal Paris Woman of Worth!
CONGRATULATIONS to our Founder Dr. Holly Jacobs, honored as one of L’Oréal Paris’ #WomenofWorth! Holly, we are so proud of and inspired by your work to end nonconsensual pornography (NCP). “Thank you to L’Oréal…
“Revenge Porn” Law Survives Constitutional Challenge in Vermont
(This piece is cross-posted from University of Miami School of Law’s Race & Social Justice Law Review.) By Nicole McLemore Last month, the Vermont Supreme Court upheld the state’s revenge porn law against…
Professor Erwin Chemerinsky and Expert Panelists Support Bipartisan Federal Bill Against Nonconsensual Pornography
Four members of the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) were featured speakers at the 2017 U.S. Department of Justice Cybercrime Symposium, which was held on September 15 at the University…
Protecting Intimate Privacy: The Fight Against "Revenge Porn"
(This piece is cross-posted from Refinery29.) All of us share private information with third parties at some point in our lives, from home addresses to medical records to credit card…
Congresswoman Jackie Speier Introduces Federal Bill against NCP
It’s Time For Congress To Protect Intimate Privacy (This piece is cross-posted from The Huffington Post.) The recognition that the right to privacy extends to intimate photographs and videos is…
An Open Letter to YACHT re: "Sex Tape" Publicity Stunt
May 11, 2016 We at the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative, who advocate on behalf of individuals who have suffered the devastating and irreversible harms caused by nonconsensual pornography, condemn your…
Re: Opposition by Media Coalition and Motion Picture Association (MPAA) to Minnesota HF2741 and SF2713
CCRI supports Minnesota House File 2741 and Senate File 2713. The Media Coalition and MPAA’s opposition to these bills makes clear that the Coalition views the vicious and destructive invasion of intimate privacy as a form of free speech.
The IRL impact of Google's new "revenge porn" policy
“Everything is going to be okay.” I said that to three people today. It choked me up each time. Up until this past Friday there were lots of other words…
Google cracks down on revenge porn
A letter to our supporters: The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative is thrilled to have played a leading role in this week’s breaking developments on the issue of nonconsensual pornography. You…
Seven Reasons Illinois is Leading the Fight Against Revenge Porn
Prof. Mary Anne Franks (left) and Rep. Scott Drury (right) present the IL “revenge porn” bill to the Judiciary committee in Springfield, IL. Just in time for 2015, Governor Pat…
Victim of Nonconsensual Pornography in the US? Call our Crisis Helpline.
It’s been just over a year since Cyber Civil Rights Initiative incorporated as a non-profit and we are finally able to offer a service that victims of nonconsensual pornography (i.e.,…
Three Reasons the Cyber Civil Rights Legal Project Will Change Lives
The law firm of K&L Gates has launched the Cyber Civil Rights Legal Project which provides victims of nonconsensual pornography with pro bono legal services.
Nude Photo Flowchart
Have some nude photos and aren’t sure what to do with them? CCRI has created a flow chart to help you make the right decision.
MDFAWL Helps End Revenge Porn
Miami-Dade’s chapter of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers (MDFAWL) has undertaken significant legislative efforts to assist in outlawing non-consensual pornography. Often called “revenge porn,” non-consensual pornography is the dissemination…
Let's Call the Celebrity Nude Photo Hack What It Is: Nonconsensual Pornography
On August 31, a series of nude photos of female celebrities were released, after having been allegedly hacked from the iCloud accounts of those celebrities. The incident has been referred…
Got Research?
CCRI is seeking research that examines revenge porn, online harassment, or the occurrence of either of these within cases of domestic violence or sexual assault. We are also in pursuit of a large (500 people…
Voices of Victims: Speak Out And End Revenge Porn
Almost seven years ago, I left my abusive fiancé. He’d been taking explicit photos and videos of me, and sharing them without my permission already, using them as blackmail.
Professional That Wants To Help Victims? Fill This In!
Are you a lawyer, private investigator, search engine optimization (SEO) specialist, victim advocate, therapist, or other professional that wants to help victims? Fill in the form below to have your name displayed on this site.
Call To Action: Professionals to Help Victims of Revenge Porn
Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) is currently seeking professionals that are qualified, willing, and able to help victims of revenge porn.
Power in Numbers
Check out our infographic showing some of the latest statistics on Revenge Porn.
My Journey to Activism
I still face some of the fears I did the day I first brought my case to law enforcement, but I have embraced my role as the voice for those who have not yet found their voices.
A Life Taken too Soon: the Story of Amanda Todd
“I’m struggling to stay in this world, because everything just touches me so deeply. I’m not doing this for attention. I’m doing this to be an inspiration and to show…
New York Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Criminalize Revenge Porn
It is refreshing to hear someone talk about revenge porn like it’s a crime. To hear people acknowledge that nobody deserves to be harassed and violated is something many victims…
A Story to Tell
The worst part about this situation is being called a slut by people who know me, seeing comments on different sites saying “she’s playing the victim” or “she asked for…
Letter From Hollie Toups
*Photo taken Friday, January 18, 2013 Guiseppe Barranco/The Enterprise Dear Revenge Porn Victim, The moments after you first see your naked photos on the internet for display is a pivotal…
Victims Speak Up
*Photo taken Friday, January 18, 2013 Guiseppe Barranco/The Enterprise Photo Hollie Toups and Marianna Taschinger are two of the first victims to speak up and go public with their experiences. …
For Every Girl
Thank you for standing up for every girl who had all the air ripped out of her chest, who stayed up until 3am sobbing while she googled her name, for every girl who learned…