CCRI’s Head of Research is Dr. Asia Eaton, Associate Professor of Psychology at Florida International University. Under her supervision, CCRI collaborates with psychology and human development scholars across the nation on research that advances scientific understandings of image-based sexual abuse. These in-depth qualitative and quantitative investigations provide crucial data that help CCRI develop evidence-based best practices as relates to law, tech policy, prevention efforts, and victim services.
2017 Research
CCRI conducted rigorous empirical research to estimate the prevalence of NDII perpetration and victimization nationwide, and to examine the risk factors for and consequences of NDII victimization and perpetration. The resulting report of this first-ever nationwide study revealed that 1 in 8 social media users have been targeted by NDII, and 1 in 20 social media users are perpetrators of NDII.
The infographic, white paper, and publication can be found here:
COVID-19 Pandemic
CCRI and Florida International University published what may be the nation’s first large-scale, peer-reviewed study on sextortion during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our research was funded by the National Science Foundation, and initial findings revealed that those who experienced sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) prior to the pandemic were more at risk for sextortion during the pandemic. Read our research here:
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