Step one: reporting the post on reddit
If you have an account:
- Click the “comments” link under the post.
- Click “report” under the title.
- Type in “Involuntary Pornography” as the report reason.
- Click “submit”.
- Send the URL of the comments page to with the subject “Involuntary Pornography Report”.
If you don’t have an account:
- Click the “comments” link under the post.
- Send the URL of the comments page to with the subject “Involuntary Pornography Report”.
Step two: requesting removal from the image hosting site
- Click the title of the photograph, this should take you to the hosting site.
- Determine the site that the image was uploaded to.
- Save the URL to the photo on your clipboard.
- Find the contact page for page removals, and ask for the photo to be removed from their site.
- Be sure to include the URL that you copied onto your clipboard in the report before you submit it.
- Some common image-hosting removal request pages are: